Tag Archives: baby

Goodbye Mr. Penguin

Today, we said goodbye to an old friend. Someone who has been by Angel’s side from the beginning.

He was Angel’s friend, nanny, and chew toy. He has weathered many washes and repairs but still he survived Angel’s temperaments. He was there as she slept, played and ate, and when she was in the cargo hold during her flight to Canada, he kept her company.

From mommy to the puppies he still tried to be there for every one of them. But the years caught up with him and he couldn’t handle anymore. I found him withered and lifeless amongst the puppies toys. The once elegant and proud Mr. Penguin has succumbed to his injuries. I knew when I saw him that it’s time to put him out of his misery and let him die in dignity.

Angel with Mr. Penguin

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Angel has been with us since she was 3 months old and since then, she became a very precious part of our family. I had 2 nephews when I left for Canada, now I have 3 and going on 4, so Angel is the only princess. And like any baby, we  documented her growth with pictures upon pictures of pure cuteness!!

Angel with her fave toy Mr. Penguin who we brought to Canada with us. Mr. Penguin lost a lot of filling, but he is still Angel's favorite
Angel, our little ramp model, just strutting her stuff
Angel's sexy pose
Angel's signature pose

Angel’s Prayer

Angel’s Nightly Prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep
The king-size bed is soft and deep

I sleep right in the center groove
My human being can hardly move!

I’ ve trapped their legs, they’re tucked in tight
And here is where I pass the night

No one disturbs me or dares intrude
Till morning comes and “I want food!”

I sneak up slowly to begin
My nibbles on my mommy’s chin.

For the morning’s here and it’s time to play
I always seem to get my way.

*Not my poem, but is sure fit Angel to a T! My partner posted this in her website. I just liked it so much I thought I’d share it with you all.